Manufacturer of electronic instrumentation including signal conditioners, custom power supplies, computer controlled amplifiers and computer controlled signal conditioning instrumentation.




The Model 619M is a low cost differential amplifier ideal for test environments where high CMRR is desired.  The modules are designed to plug into either Encore’s standard 19 inch rack or the single or dual module desktop unit.  The  integrated AC power supply provides the necessary DC voltage to operate the modules.  Low output noise, user selectable gain and operating mode and expandability are just some of the features that make the Model 619M the choice for demanding applications.


Input signal: ±10V max, x1.0 range; ±100V max., x0.1 range
Input impedance: 100k ohms min., each input
Operating modes: DC coupled, AC coupled, zero
Gain: Switch selectable 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, plus x1.0/x0.1 attenuator
Gain vernier: Continuously adjustable lockable ten-turn dial spans gain steps
CMRR: 75dB, DC to 70Hz
Frequency response: DC to 10kHz direct coupled, with filter out; 0.4Hz AC coupled response; Model 619M-002 frequency response 10kHz to 20kHz
Filter: Four-pole lowpass filter, switch-selectable for 300Hz, 1kHz, 20kHz and Out; other frequencies available on request
Input DC offset suppression: 0 to ±1.2V in x1.0 range, 0 to ±12V in x0.1 range
Signal output: ±10V max., 10mA peak load
Output noise: 10 microvolts RMS RTI max., DC to 20kHz at G=1000
Power: Unregulated ±24V from rack-mounted supply, +85mA/-45mA

Rack Mounting

Carrying case: two module desktop case
Mechanical: 19″W x 5.25″H x 11″D, six-module rack adapter

M619 Differential Amplifier Rack

M619 Differential Amplifier Rack